Two Edged Swords
So, why am I so sad???
When the kids were little and we planned a vacation things were so simple. Dale and I were in charge, we pretty much decided the schedule, where we would be going, what we would do, and when we would do it....and the kids were just happy to be on the road to somewhere.
Flash 30 years forward and we now have 8 adults in charge....somewhat different dynamic!
Six adult children(3 that we didn't raise) and eight grandchildren...We outline a plan, and pick-up the tab....everything else is up for grabs.
Everyone has different wants to lie around and sleep and read all week, one wants to spend time outdoors, another wants trips to the mall, the kids want to swim and go to the park, another wants privacy, the other togetherness for everything, no excuses accepted.
We spend hours trying to decide how one activity is going to work for everyone, only to discover that it won't.
It's been a long, emotionally draining, yet fun two weeks...I loved seeing the kids, but now I have to miss them again...two edged swords.
I'm ready for a real vacation!