The Looking Glass

If we could only understand all the potential in all that is. If we could find the one "truth" all other things would fall into place. We would recognize all of the scattered truths and how they fit together.
My reason for this prelude is my recent and not so recent experiences with numerology, astrology, mediums, etc.
Though I definitely believe that these "gifts" and sciences can be corrupted by less scrupulous individuals who would profit from those seeking guidance and comfort.....
I can't help but believe that it all ties together with who and what and where we come from.
And like Alice and the looking glass I ponder what the world is like on the other side of the mirror.
To discover that certain sciences can actually describe you...that a medium on the streets of San Francisco can tell you to the date the significance of a past event, that a man from India in a turban and flowing robes can walk into your pub and tell you that your brother who has been given 6 months to live has an incredible mind and will live many more years, AND DOES is enough to convince me that there exists powers that are untapped in each of us, utilized by few, neglected by some and abused by many.
Is it possible to determine the source? If you are blessed with intuitions, premonitions, that of God? Is it something that should be cultivated even encouraged?
....I find it very compelling.