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About Me...

caring, sometimes a little intense, can be overly sensitive, quick to make decisions, people-oriented, hate rules, love doing the impossible, inner self...introvert(love to be home doing whatever)learned self...extrovert(take the lead, get things done), direct, authentic, assertive, kind.

Name:South Boise Girl


Salt Lake by way of South Boise

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Life or Something Like it

This is about me evolving...or at least trying to evolve by understanding the what and why fors of my life's experiences and every other thing I've ever read, observed, listened to or in some other way internalized and digested...whether I wanted to or not!

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My Philosophy

So it goes like it goes, like the river flows And time it rolls right on And maybe what's good gets a little bit better And maybe what's bad gets gone

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Friends I Visit

Christensen Story
Brandon Hein
The Clair Johnson Family The Sterri Family

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Be Happy Dammit"

1. Pain Exists. Life can hurt. Like a lot.
2. That pain back in LIFE LESSON #1 was for your benefit
3. Life is more mystery than misery
4. You always have a choice of
emotional responses to life
5. Judge a tree by its fruits. And ditto for people.
6. Never go shopping for kiwis in a shoe store
7. You--and those you've befriended/worked
with/slept with--each of you--just like plants--
comes with your own unique feeding manual.
You must read each person's instruction manual
carefully--then proceed with caution!
8. We all come from the same
Big Bubbling Pot of World Primordial Nature Stew.
Because of this, you are governed--
along with your Pot Mates (like plants and flowers and bananas)
--under the same Laws of... Primordial Nature
9. The only constant is
change...You never know.
Fear works like Interfear--stopping you get
what you really want/need.
11.If you keep doing what you've always been
doing, then you'll keep getting what you've
always been getting.
12.In order to see the path to what you want,
you must first see clearly what is holding you back.
13.If you want to change your life, you must first
be ready to see and feel some painful truths...
14.You must declare your own Independence
Day, then your own Independence Year, then
your own Independence Life. The purpose of
your life is to find the purpose of your life.
15.You must
16.This is the secret to happiness--
in 3 words: rationalize, rationalize, rationalize.
17.You must celebrate Non-Judgement Day,
then Non-Judgement Year, then Non-Judgement Life.
18.You must
relax and enjoy the ride.
19.You must not live in denial that disappointment
and failure and pain and conflict and darkness
evil exist--they are out there.
20.You must have Great Non-Expectations.
21.You must remember that
you are here now...
no, no, NOW...no, NOW!
22.It doesn't matter how fast you get there,
if you're heading in the wrong direction.
23.When you practice regular
you find you are able to see so much more.
24.When you become more calm and serene
on the inside, the world becomes more calm
and serene on the outside
25.You must understand that there is
in this world--as well as
order in all chaos.
The trick is to try to see the order in your
chaos and accept that...
nothing in this universe is random.
26.You must show more respect for the invisible
world, because often what you don't see is what you get.
27.Worry and doubt can actually be
prayers and
visualizations--and self-fulfilling programming--
for things you do not want
Chaos Theory affects you daily.
29.There's great power in: I Think Therefore I Have.
30.You recognize that work + time + faith = results.
faith determines your destiny. So you must
make sure your faith remains stronger than your mood.
32."Never compromise your dreams," Bazooka Joe has said.
33.When you let go of unnecessary attachments,
you pick up speed in heading toward your true goals. Let go.
34.You must live your life using the same philosophy
a mountain climber uses to climb a
"Never look down. Keep looking forward and upward."
35.Letting go and climbing up to higher life levels,
means building new
emotional muscles.
And just like with all muscle growth, you will always
feel the pain before you see the growth.
Everything has its process. You must respect this process.
37.Often doing less, gets you more.
Truly: less is more...more or less.
38.You must create your own
good luck.
You must be
pro-active--and even pre-active.
39.Money will never bring you true happiness--
however, happiness will bring you true money.
40.You need balance, baby. It's called the
weekend--and not the "weakened."
Prozak Shmozak. Love is this Drug.
42.Just like there's sexual attraction, there's
love attraction. When you feel the love energy
inside you, other people feel it coming off of you--
and find themselves wildly--and oddly--attracted to you.
43.There's a difference between knowing vs. doing.
44.Live now,
procrastinate later.
So there you have it. These 44 life lessons paint
an accurate picture of what "How to be Happy, Dammit" is all about.

I highly recommend it.



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