Years of "boo-boos" Ahead
Last night at 10:30 we received a call from our oldest son to let us know that Jen was in labor and had maybe waited a little too long for the ride to the hospital. We rushed over to stay with the kids who were already in bed.
At 1:00 AM (she was already an 8 when they reached the hospital) our 9th grandchild made her arrival. A little, dark haired beauty whose name is still to be determined.
I of course, suggested Myra(which was met with great laughter), then Maude(my grandmother's name a firm no) then Ireland(in honor of my father(a maybe), then India(I heard it and Trev's into Native American so I thought he'd like it.....he did.....not so with Jen) then Henley(which I found on a web site and really liked.......).
Trev has left this one(#5) up to Jen(anyone who has 5 children should call them what ever they want). I think she is favoring Haven....close to Henley, so I'd be very happy!
It's hard to believe that we have 9 grandchildren(mostly due to Trev and Jen's desire for a LARGE family before age 30).
It's weird to have a child who has more children than you. Does that mean something???just mom came from a family of nine children, she had six, I had four, and now my little boy has turned the tables....five children. Someone will have a coronary just reading this....I say the more the better....I miss having a houseful of love.....
I came across this SPOKEN WORD poem. The phenomena of 'Spoken-Word' Poetry has it's roots in the African-American Communities, however 'spoken-word' is the remnant and continuation of a form of poetry that includes solo acting and gestures, animation and movements in a 'pantomime' fashion that is very entertaining.
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