Shhhhhh....she's sleeping
I even got an e-mail from a friend asking: "why no new blog entries"? I googled 'neglecting my blog' and guess what?
I'm not alone! It appears that writing in your blog only happens when you don't have anything else to do.
Could that be true? Go ahead google it. "...I've been a bad girl", ..."probably going to happen now and then" ..."it's been awhile" the list goes on and on, all excusing themselves because they've been busy.
So does that mean that I have a life or that I need to get a life? I'm busy writing about my life or I'm busy living my life...OR.....
could it be that I am now fighting my 7 year old grand daughter for on-line time???? The fact that I'm writing this from work confirms it. I've lost the rights to my home computer!
Having just now discovered the truth, I pledge to fight my way back to the top. After all, I am the oldest, I had it first, I pay the bills.......
Shhhh....I'll just wait 'til she goes to bed.