As a young woman during the summer of my senior year, I met and fell madly in love with a beautiful catholic boy. We were inseparable for that summer of 1971 and when he left to go back to college I thought I would die. I met him that fall for homecoming. I told him that we could never marry because of religion...he said then what are we doing and we ended the relationship. Broken hearted I left for BYU. Do do what all good mormon girls do. Find a good mormon boy, marry, and live happily ever after.
I met Dale in February of 1972. The day after Valentine's Day. I felt an immediate connection to him and we became a couple. 18 months latter we married in the Salt Lake Temple. He was a student with an academic full ride scholarship, a return missionary, athletic, musical, very handsome, gentle and soft spoken. Very sexy. I was in love.
Sliding Doors is a 1998 British-American romantic comedy-drama film Starring Gwyneth Paltrow. The film alternates between two parallel universes, based on the two paths the central character's life could take depending on whether or not she catches a train and causing different outcomes in her life.
I was completely engaged with this concept. What if.....
Each of us is connected to the next and the next and the next choice that each of us make. We never stand alone. We are all interconnected, inseparable in some awesome cosmic way that keeps us choosing and those very choices impact us in ways we will never truly know.
If I had just left 1 second sooner, If I hadn't taken that class, If I hadn't said no....
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